proactive and reactive green marketing signs


We’ve got to be proactive. It’s my job to look for unconventional situations that achieve what my clients want.

Patrick Whitesell


Cambridge Dictionary defines proactive marketing as “the method of marketing goods and services in which you advertise when and where you know that customers might be looking for the type of goods, etc. that you sell”.

Essentially, your goal should be to give your consumers what they want before they ask for it. Research, analytics, and environmental scanning play a major role in staying ahead of the curve to accomplish proactive marketing. You must see what your consumer’s pain points are, analyze how they’ve reacted to past products and services, and adapt to the landscape as it changes to predict your audience’s future behaviors and actions.

Why is Proactive Marketing important?

Do you get excited when you see “coming soon” or get notifications of upcoming sales and deals on your favorite products? Those are examples of proactive marketing.

It allows you to connect with your audience and provide them the high-quality service they are looking for. This creates more satisfaction and brand loyalty for current and new consumers of your product or service.

Proactive marketing also increases the effectiveness of your content creation and distribution. You can create all of the content you want, but if it does not appeal to your audience’s current or future needs or desires, you’ll miss the mark on effectiveness every time.

In today’s day and age, you simply can’t afford to be behind the curve. You must out-think your competition and provide the solution or innovative value creations that consumers need when it’s most relevant and advantageous to them. Taking a reactive approach to marketing will cost you time, reputation, and money.

inMMGroup can help you develop and implement your proactive marketing strategies. Let’s Start A Conversation!